Tag Archive for: IPv6

DNS over IPv6: Lessons from the field

We have learned some lessons in the field about DNS over IPv6.  The other day, one of our clients called us asking for help with their configurations. They were doing some lab testing while working on their annual upgrade of our software. To give you some background, our customers normally certify each upgrade they intend to use and they do extensive lab testing before they roll it out to their production DNS servers. Read more

Myths about IPv6


It may surprise you, but IPv6 has been has been around for the past two decades, according to a post on IT Business Edge, “Ten Myths about IPv6”

Here is a summary of those “10” most talked about IPv6 myths:

  1. IT’S NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION: The “new” protocol was started back in 1992 and standardized as IPv6 just two years later. It has been in commercial use for several years. The protocol was pronounced good to go during “World IPv6 Day” in 2011.
  2. IT WILL BREAK MY NETWORK: IPv6 is “fully routable with strong support of such major protocols as OSPF, IS-IS and BGP; plus it totally functions “on the same wire … (and) doesn’t require IPv4 to be disabled. IPv6 is already in commercial use on many networks.
  3. IT’S TOO HARD TO USE: It may seem more difficult because addresses are “4 times longer than IPv4” though, the subnet and host portion of the address remain the same. IPv6 makes it easier to add devices.
  4. MY USERS WILL HATE ME: “Most users won’t notice anything different about using IPv6….” which carry all the same protocols as IPv4—TCP and UDP.
  5. IT’s NOT SECURE: IPv6 can function without NAT which is a plus. While NAT shields the internal IP addresses “NAT security is only as good as the firewall policy.” It is important with both IPv4 and IPv6 to have well implemented security.
  6. IT’S INHERENTLY SECURE:  Just because IPv6 can buddy up with IPSEC VPN, doesn’t mean all is automatically secure. Proper security still needs to be set up.
  7. THERE’S NO RUSH: We are out of ‘new’ IP addresses in some parts of the world, particularly in growth areas such as Asia.
  8. I NEED IT RIGHT NOW:  Don’t worry about IPv4 leaving this universe…it will not be dumped into a Black Hole, even after IPv6 is fully “deployed.” “Lots of networks are using legacy protocols in parallel with IPv4.”
  9. NOBODY USES IT: As mentioned before, is in commercial use today on many networks. Pledges are coming in by major websites to keep IPv6 up and running with the World IPv6 Launch today, June 6th.
  10. I’M NOT RUNNING IT:  By default all major PCs Operating Systems have IPv6 capability. It is probably there and not being used.

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Are you ready for IPv6?

On June 6th, many major Web sites and Internet providers will begin supporting Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) full time. While the average internet user might not even notice, if you’re running a growing business you should prepare for this change.

As an IPv6 article, by Stephen J. Vaughan-Nichols, explains, IPv4’s 32-bit 4.3 billion addresses are not enough for today’s internet and all of our mobile devices. Read more

Resistance is Futile

The need to move the Internet from IPv4 to IPv6 is inevitable. Almost all of the addresses allowed by the 32 bit based addressing scheme used in IPv4 have been assigned. The 128 bit addressing scheme within IPv6 solves that issue. While the number of available addresses is a significant driver in the need for IPv6, this isn’t the only benefit to be derived. Other benefits include added security, mobility extensions, communication and addressing to the end device, etc.

The North America IPv6 Summit, one of the premier IPv6 shows in the world, was held on April 9-11 in Denver, Colorado.  It focused on educating people on IPv6, providing insight on how to make the transition from IPv4, showed products and technology capable of supporting IPv6. The attendees ranged in background from people just learning about IPv6 to people who are intimately involved with implementing IPv6 with all levels of experience in between.

The event has grown every year and has added breadth of knowledge and increased participation. It is not unusual to meet people from the all over the U.S. along with people from other countries such as Brazil, France, etc…  even Texas;)

The list of sponsors included a wide range of savvy companies and organization that have the foresight see the need to continue to improve the Internet.

This event was organized by the Rocky Mountain IPv6 Task Force (rmv6tf).  My hat is off to the members of the rmv6tf. This is a group of volunteers who see the inevitable need for the Internet to move to IPv6.  The group was formed in 2007 by a handful of dedicated technologists. They have organized this event every year since 2008 with consistency and quality to create the summit.

This event is one that was worthwhile to attend if you have any interest in the future of the Internet. Here is the site for information from the event: http://www.rmv6tf.org/IPv6Summit.htm