Secure64 Fighting Back Against A Wave COVID-19 Hacking

Secure64 Offers 60 Days of Free DNS Guard to Customers to Protect Against Heightened COVID-19 Related Malicious Traffic

Fort Collins, CO – April 27, 2020- Secure64, the leading provider of DNS-based security solutions, will be offering a free 60 day subscription of its DNS TotalGuard security service to customers to help them fight the spike of malware and fraudulent activity seeking to exploit fear of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Secure64 DNS Guard is a family of DNS-based security services that protects the network and its users from harm. By protecting the network at the DNS level (the gateway to the network), DNS Guard is perfectly positioned to defend against the wave of COVID-19 attacks, protecting subscribers from fraud and malware and helping carriers eliminate malicious traffic on the network during a period of already high bandwidth consumption.

DNS Total Guard is made up of three layer of protection to ensure exceptional network security:

  • MalwareGuard, which protects users from sites that download malicious software such as viruses, trojans, and worms.
  • FraudGuard, which protects users from visiting sites known to conduct illegal activity such as phishing, fraud, and other online scams.
  • TunnelGuard, which protects your network against DNS tunnels used for data exfiltration, bandwidth piracy, and evasion of regulatory controls.

“This pandemic is a global crisis, and it is the responsibility of everyone to help however they can,” said Steve Goodbarn, CEO of Secure64. “Secure64 was founded with the principle goal of creating a more secure Internet, and working towards that goal has never been more important than now.”

About Secure64

Six of the top fifteen operators and eleven of the top thirty carriers rely on Secure64’s DNS. Our base today comprises over 1 billion representing over of 20% of the global mobile subscribers. Performing billions of DNS lookups every day across six contents has galvanized our well-earned reputation for providing highly-secure, exceedingly stable and performant DNS solutions.

Secure64 brings trust to the internet through its suite of purpose-built, secure, DNS-based network security products. The company was built on a foundation of security and has forged solutions that are self-protecting and immune to malware. Secure64 secures the DNS infrastructures of leading service providers, government agencies and enterprises globally.

Secure64 is a privately held company which boasts deep technical and global experience in its leadership and technical staff. It is the only DNS solution provider that has authored a secure micro OS, automated the deployment of DNSSEC and built self-protecting DNS servers. For more information, visit

Ben Weiner
Secure64 Software Corporation