Google Now Supports DNSSEC

Google announced this week that they have enabled Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC). This is essential for ensuring that DNS queries are directed to the real web site. With this in place Google is now checking the digital signatures on DNSSEC formatted messages. Currently 7% of the volume of all the queries Google handles […]

Recent Government Cybersecurity Actions

Last week President Obama signed an Executive Order in an attempt to strengthen the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure in the United States. This is an area much in need of improvement, but this Executive Order barely scratches the surface. The main points addressed by the order are to facilitate information sharing and to develop a […]

DNSSEC Deployment Lags

DNSSEC has been slow to be accepted by commercial sites, leading a lag in DNSSEC deployment, even though it is the best solution to prevent the exposure to site hijacking. This type of hijacking is possible because of a major flaw in DNS that makes it possible for hackers to launch cache poisoning, found by […]

A New DNS Vulnerability

A new DNS vulnerability was found in BIND yesterday, CVE-2012-5688. It is listed as a critical vulnerability. This adds to the list of major vulnerabilities discovered in BIND. Since February of 2011, a new high vulnerability has been found on average every 60 days. This is a worrisome trend for DNS administrators concerned with the […]

Need More Secure Operating Systems

Kaspersky Lab has announced that they are developing a secure operating system for protecting SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) and ICS (industrial-control systems). These are the systems used for industrial control. They are core to most utility companies and industrial infrastructure, controlling such things as valves or switches.

Protecting Your DNS

There have been several recent Denial of Service attacks reported on banks, hosting providers and federal agencies around the world.  As always with these types of attacks, one of the victims is the DNS server. Attacking DNS is effective, once the DNS server is taken down by the hacker, customers can’t reach any of the […]