Are you ready for IPv6?

On June 6th, many major Web sites and Internet providers will begin supporting Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) full time. While the average internet user might not even notice, if you’re running a growing business you should prepare for this change.

As an IPv6 article, by Stephen J. Vaughan-Nichols, explains, IPv4’s 32-bit 4.3 billion addresses are not enough for today’s internet and all of our mobile devices. IPv6, on the other hand, with its 128-bit address space, can handle up to 40,282,366,920 billion billion billion usable addresses.

Network engineers and administrators have been testing IPv6 for a long time. Some ISPs have been offering both IPv4 and IPv6 for several years. Other major ISPs and web sites are now preparing to offer both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, services and support.

For the average internet user, nothing will appear to change, and they will be able to use the same modem and router in their home for several more years. For anyone with a growing business, however, it’s a different story. If your business or organization is expanding, adding new offices, deploying more Web sites, or supporting a growing client base, the lack of availability of IPv4 addresses will be a problem and you need to start thinking about your IPv6 deployment plan.

How will you manage the transition to an all-IPv6 world while still supporting legacy IPv4 customers and Internet content? There are several options, such as using a dual stack network or tunneling technologies. For many organizations, the best solution is NAT64 combined with DNS64, which allow the deployment of a single IPv6 networking protocol to the client while still providing client access to both IPv4 and IPv6 Internet.

Secure64’s DNS Cache is a secure, high-performance caching DNS server appliance with built-in support for DNS64 that is compatible with leading, third-party NAT64 solutions. This solution reduces latency compared to tunneling technologies, it reduces your operating costs by simplifying network administration and it lets you avoid the costs of supporting two networks. Contact us to learn more.