Press Release: Secure64 Vizion

Fort Collins, Colorado, March 2023 – Secure64 Software Corporation, creators of purpose-built security and DNS solutions, announced today the launch of Secure64 Vizion™. This new addition to the Secure64 security ecosystem is an observability platform that captures, visualises and reports in near real-time security events such as Malware Command & Control lookupsPhishing attemptsDNS tunnel attemptsDenial of Service Attacks, Malicious Sites, Fraudulent Sites and DNS-specific attacks. In addition, the platform can report on Government or court order blocked sites. Secure64’s security suite detects and blocks all these attacks.

The solution architecture is flexible and can handle the load from massive carrier networks to the smallest business, organisation or government networks. An in-network solution that turns raw data into valuable, actionable information in a simple-to-use graphical interface, Secure64 Vizion™ reports on security events in near real-time.  With Secure64 Vizion, teams such as Compliance/Regulatory Reporting, Security Operations, and Network Operations can now see and analyse detailed security event information to quickly identify and remediate issues that threaten their subscribers or their network. 

This platform, linked to the Secure64 security suite, provides blocking, intelligence and visibility into the threat landscape in a mixed medium and operating system network. The platform does not require on-device security elements and works across IoT, Mobile and traditional devices.

“Our customers have told us that the increase in the threat landscape requires a complete reporting solution to analyse and provide deep, meaningful information from the sea of data in the network”, says Ian Sampson, Chief Marketing Officer of Secure64. “It’s vital that service providers have the tools to react to network threats while maintaining control and improving the end customer experience.”

This platform is part of the Secure64 ecosystem and augments the existing capabilities in Secure64 solutions to provide a secure, stable and safety-focused customer-centric experience. 

About Secure64

Secure64 brings trust to the internet through its suite of purpose-built, secure, DNS-based network security products. The company was built on a foundation of security, stability and safety and has forged solutions that are self-protecting and not only immune to malware but provide active protection for subscribers against Malware and phishing attacks. Secure64 secures the DNS infrastructures of leading service providers, government agencies and enterprises globally.

Our DNS supports a worldwide subscriber base of over 1 billion, representing over 20% of global mobile subscribers. Performing billions of DNS lookups every day across six continents, Secure64 lives up to its reputation for providing highly secure, safe and stable DNS solutions.

Secure64 is a privately held company with deep technical and global experience in its leadership and technical staff. It is the only DNS solution provider that has authored a secure micro OS, automated the deployment of DNSSEC and built self-protecting DNS servers. For more information, visit

Ian Sampson
Secure64 Software Corporation

What if the DNS knew which Malicious sites to prevent access to?

Today the internet is a huge part of our life. Without it, modern life doesn’t happen. We cannot access banking, work, social media and entertainment. Everything, good and bad, utilizes DNS

DNS underpins everything we do on the internet, good or bad, and that is the reason it became the favorite place for the “bad guys” to take advantage of its weaknesses and flood us with malware, exposing us to fraud or becoming part of botnet chains, among other evils.

There are thousands, millions of malicious sites, and new ones appear every day, which users can reach innocently and contaminate themselves, thus spreading cyber evil.

At Secure64, we have three simple words at the heart of everything we do. Security, Safety and Stability. The DNS platform must be stable and self-defending from attacks. After all, no DNS, no Internet. It must be Safe from attacks and continue when the inevitable attacks happen. Last but and no way means least it must provide security for users.

All this magic happens in the CSP’s resolver service that uses the Secure64 DNS Cache + Guard intelligence and enforcement. The solution is constantly receiving an updated list of malicious sites and when any subscriber tries to navigate or go to one of these sites, the Cache does not allow it. This act is logged in real-time and the operator can see the problem via the Vizion GUI interface.

That list is created by a cybersecurity laboratory that has a global presence with more than 100 professionals that works 7×24, 365 receiving and analyzing more than 400,000 files and new websites daily from multiple data sources; with all this, it does threat research, ensuring complete coverage and thus updating the list several times a day (approximately every hour); Every time the lists are updated, they are made available in real-time to the operators that have the Secure64 Cache + Guard service and, in turn, to the subscribers of that operator.

Otto Heredia

Sales Engineer/Marketing

If you want to know more about Guard, feel free to contact a Secure64 sales representative by emailing .

Container-Based Platforms for Hyperscale DNS

DNS and containers can work well with the right solution. We are facing unprecedented threats against DNS servers, so the ability to programmatically spin up a new container and DNS server to protect the network and the user experience is a tool that carriers have been requesting for some time. When the peak subsides, the container can be decommissioned. The carrier can spin up and down resources as required and as the network needs. Secure64 has released the first container-based platform for Hyperscale DNS.

As a result, there is no user experience degradation. Quick additional resources without the overhead of human intervention and a simple GUI to manage and report on the platform.

This is already live and running in our customers networks and we are once again first to this market.

Please contact Ian Sampson if you are interested in learning more: