Filtering Mandates

Many countries worldwide now mandate that categories, apps and services are filtered on the Service Providers network. Some examples are:

Italy, South Korea and Australia have either banned DeepSeek or banned it for certain users such as Federal Employees


Lots of countries, including the UK, have court orders blocking certain streaming sites. An example is:–%20Singapore’s%20High%20Court%20has,crackdown%20on%20illegal%20streaming%20sites.

These examples are not isolated examples and lots of countries have mandates to block a number of sites or applications.

How can a block be implemented?

There is no perfect way to block access to some of these apps or services. The most determined user will find a way via VPN’s anonymizers, roaming or other methods.

Secure64 is often asked about this and we have various solutions.

The user accesses the site via the IP address.

This is not a foolproof method by any means as nearly all sites contain domain name entries to elements of the page or the full site/page. Even if you access the page via its IP address (If you can), it is extremely likely that elements wont load due to the domain name being present. Some sites as an example Youtube can never be accessed via its IP address

The user accesses the site via a VPN

Secure64 LineGuard has a number of VPN services in the platform and you can disable users from using these VPN’s

The user accesses the site via an anonymizer i.e. Google Translate

Again, we understand how this works and have techniques to block access to this type of service.