Entries by Secure64 Software Corporation

Water Torture: A Slow Drip DNS DDoS Attack

A number of our service provider customers around the world are reporting that they see a new type of DNS DDoS attack that uses the DNS as the attack vector. The service providers themselves do not appear to be the target of this attack. Instead, the attack tries to overwhelm an outside victim’s authoritative DNS […]

Firezilla FTP

Recently, a fake version of the popular Filezilla File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client has been made available for download on some sites. This fake version of Filezilla looks and works as expected but it also harvests login credentials in the background. These credentials are secretly sent to a hacker owned site.  This is clearly a […]

DNS prefetching in browsers

Some browsers such as Firefox implement various types of prefetching. The basic idea is that the browser will start to preload hyperlinked pages in the background to so that once a user clicks on a link the web page will already be ready to be displayed. Speculative prefetching like this is obviously wasteful from a […]

Lies, damn lies and DNS performance statistics

To paraphrase Mark Twain (and Benjamin Disraeli if internet search results can be trusted), there are three kinds of DNS lies: lies, damn lies and DNS performance statistics. Most networking professionals know to have a healthy skepticism about information put out by the marketing departments of networking vendors. And so they should. It is the […]

FAQ for CVE-4854 – BIND Vulnerability

In order to help our customers with their DNS-related questions, we wrote this blog post regarding the recently announced BIND vulnerability, CVE-4854. What happened? ISC announced a critical vulnerability in the popular BIND DNS software. This might affect you.  BIND servers configured either as caching or authoritative are vulnerable.

Google Now Supports DNSSEC

Google announced this week that they have enabled Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC). This is essential for ensuring that DNS queries are directed to the real web site. With this in place Google is now checking the digital signatures on DNSSEC formatted messages. Currently 7% of the volume of all the queries Google handles […]

Recent Government Cybersecurity Actions

Last week President Obama signed an Executive Order in an attempt to strengthen the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure in the United States. This is an area much in need of improvement, but this Executive Order barely scratches the surface. The main points addressed by the order are to facilitate information sharing and to develop a […]