Botnets, Route Hijacking, and Other Security Threats
Cyber crime has become big business. In the past, hackers tended to work alone or in small groups, and their impact was usually quite minimal. Sometimes it was done just for bragging rights rather than monetary gain, and often had no adverse affects on most of the general public.
A recent article in CIO magazine “ IT’s 9 Biggest Security Threats” indicates times have changed. The threats include such omnipresent dangers as botnets for hire, DDoS attacks, IP route hijacking, cyber crime syndicates, hacktivists, and cyber warfare. The web is increasingly compromised by attackers who exploit website vulnerabilities while posing as legitimate businesses.
The worst part, according to the article, is that very few cyber criminals are ever punished. According to the article “professional criminals on the Internet are living large because the Internet isn’t good at producing court-actionable evidence. It’s anonymous by default, and tracks are lost and covered up in milliseconds. Right now we live in the “wild, wild West” days of the Internet. As it matures, the criminal safe havens will dry up. Until then, IT security pros have their work cut out for them.”
It’s hazardous out there in the wild, wild Internet, and you need to be prepared in order to protect your company and your customers’ confidential information. In response to ever increasing threats like domain name fraud, botnets and IP route hijacking, the FCC has endorsed a set of industry-wide voluntary best practices for ISPs and other organizations that operate critical infrastructure. For a copy of the white paper with these FCC recommendations and a best practices check list, click here.
Our products and technology can help your organization comply with the FCC recommendations and provide a defense against cyber criminals. Contact us to learn more.