Press Release — Comments on Yesterday’s DDoS Attacks

For Immediate Release:

Secure64, Leading Provider of Secure DNS Solutions, Comments on Yesterday’s DDoS Attacks

Greenwood Village, CO – June 28, 2018 – Secure64, the leading provider of Genuinely Secure DNS servers, comments on yesterday’s distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS).

As a leading provider of secure DNS systems, Secure64 understands the impact DDoS attacks can have on enterprises, government agencies as well as carriers’ networks.

Drawing on our over sixteen years of experience in the cyber and DNS sector Secure64 wishes to share what we have come to identify as DNS best practices with the goal that other organizations will benefit from our experience.

When it comes to protecting an organization’s DNS from cyber-attacks the most important element of safety is DIVERSITY. This diversity, as a best practice, includes having diversity across all elements of the solution.


Secure64 stands alone as the only provider of DNS solutions that offers hardware level diversity. Secure64 offers both x86 and Itanium-based hardware DNS implementations. Best practice includes having a diverse mix of hardware underlying the DNS service. Recently there was much press given to the x86 hardware vulnerabilities called Meltdown and Spectre – these exposures only exist on the x86-based servers. Itanium servers, by virtue of their different architecture, are immune to these problems.


Secure64 is the only provider of DNS solution to offer diversity at the OS level. Our proprietary SourceT® operating system runs exclusively on Itanium servers. The protection SourceT offers is unique in the industry. Our x86-based platform runs SecureOS™, the Secure64 operating system built on a highly-secure Linux kernel.


We have varying DNS application code bases that run across our LINUX and SourceT platforms, providing added protection against malware and attack vectors. Neither of these applications uses the BIND code base.


Secure64 has implemented multiple layers of protections against DDoS attacks on our platforms. These protections provide layers of security that protect not only the DNS application but also the network itself from floods, amplified and reflected attacks.


“We speak with carriers and enterprises every day that share with us how important network availability is to their operations and brands. Secure64 represents the only DNS provider that offers diversity at the hardware, operating system and application layer – we are totally unique in providing this level of redundancy and reliability. This is a critical differentiator, especially as the industry migrates to the cloud and virtual environments,” said Thad Dupper, President & CEO, Secure64.

Secure64 customers will realize the benefits of full diversity for both their DNS Resolvers and Authority servers while having a consistent and integrated management capability provided by Secure64® DNS Manager™, all provided from a single vendor, simplifying their supplier management challenges.

About Secure64 Software Corporation

Secure64 brings trust to the internet through its suite of purpose-built, secure, DNS-based network security products. The company was built on a foundation of security and has forged solutions that are self-protecting and immune to malware. Secure64 secures the DNS infrastructures of leading service providers, government agencies and enterprises globally.

Secure64 is a privately held company founded by technology and financial veterans and boasts deep technical and global experience in its leadership and staff. It is the only DNS solution provider that has authored a secure micro OS, automated the deployment of DNSSEC and built self-protecting DNS servers. For more information, visit

Mark Beckett
Secure64 Software Corporation

Press Release – Global Telecom Master Agreement

For Immediate Release:

Secure64® and Global Telecom Sign Agreement for DNS Modernization

Bangladesh Telco is the first location to buy under Master Agreement

Greenwood Village, CO – May 29, 2018 – Secure64, the leading provider of Genuinely Secure DNS servers, today announced the company has executed a Master Agreement for a DNS Modernization project with a large, leading global telecom, and closed its first location under that agreement, with a carrier in Bangladesh.

“This leading global operator, with multiple operating companies, is investing heavily in their LTE 4G infrastructure. As a result, they wanted to upgrade their existing DNS environment to Secure64’s carrier-grade DNS platform gaining a highly reliable, extremely secure and performant solution,” said Thad Dupper, CEO of Secure64. “The primary goal was to improve the subscriber experience with faster speeds and higher levels of security.  Key to this initiative was protecting their subscribers from malware attacks – protections that our DNS Guard service provide efficiently and effectively without subscribers having to take any individual actions.”

Secure64 was piloted in one of the country markets prior to selection. With the master agreement in place, Secure64 expects additional operating companies to re-evaluate their individual DNS needs.  In Bangladesh, the subsidiary is implementing both virtualized and bare metal servers to support their DNS infrastructure.

About Secure64 Software Corporation

Secure64 brings trust to the internet through its suite of purpose-built, secure, DNS-based network security products. The company was built on a foundation of security and has forged solutions that are self-protecting and immune to malware.  Secure64 secures the DNS infrastructures of leading service providers, government agencies and enterprises globally.

Secure64 is a privately held company founded by technology and financial veterans and boasts deep technical and global experience in its leadership and staff.  It is the only DNS solution provider that has authored a secure micro OS, automated the deployment of DNSSEC and built self-protecting DNS servers. For more information, visit

Mark Beckett
Secure64 Software Corporation

Press Release – What Every Company Should Know (and Do) About Data Exfiltration

For Immediate Release

What Every Company Should Know (and Do) About Data Exfiltration

Greenwood Village, CO – May 22, 2018 – Secure64, the leading provider of Genuinely Secure DNS servers, comments on their new TunnelGuard™ feature and how it assists organizations to protect their proprietary data from theft.

Data exfiltration, the unauthorized transfer of data within or outside an organization’s computer network, has become a top priority for CISO’s around the world. Today, enterprises, government organizations, even non-profits are all concerned about an employee or contractor potentially leaking proprietary information. Many of these organizations believe by keeping email logs and history they can dissuade someone from sending company sensitive information from the network because by now all employees should know that their email history is kept on company servers for many months if not years.

Going further, many organizations have implemented further restrictions regarding the use of private email at work with some – especially in the defense sector — going as far to prohibit use of removable storage media in the work place.

And while these policies can protect organizations from basic data exfiltration – sophisticated end users can exploit vulnerabilities that exist in corporate networks. One such vulnerability, that Secure64 uniquely has closed, involves the Domain Name System or DNS.

Normally, DNS traffic carries queries and response information to allow computers, smart phones, and IoT devices to interoperate over the Internet. In 2005, Dan Kaminsky created the OzymanDNS program to demonstrate that DNS could also be used to carry (tunnel) other protocol information, such as TCP/IP. Since then, numerous implementations of these DNS tunnels have appeared.

The challenge with DNS tunnels is “bad actors” can use them to send data without being monitored or restricted by normal network protections. For mobile network operators, this means subscribers armed with widely available apps can exploit DNS tunnels to bypass their data caps. For enterprises, DNS tunnels are a ready pathway for data exfiltration.

Using available bypass apps or utilities, a relatively un-sophisticated user can send proprietary data over a DNS tunnel. DNS tunnels can also be used by malware to transmit data from infected devices to “home”. Many IT organizations would find it hard to demonstrate to their C-levels that they actively monitor DNS tunnels for data exfiltration. That is until today.

Secure64’s Tunnel Detection Module (TDM), marketed as TunnelGuard, is an active, integrated feature of our DNS platform that allows IT organizations to ensure that the traffic sent over DNS are strictly and exclusively legitimate DNS messages.

TunnelGuard effectively blocks a non-authorized use of the DNS tunnel, thereby, eliminating a pathway for data exfiltration. Secure64 engineers and data scientists have created patent-pending algorithms that inspect DNS messages, guaranteeing that only legitimate DNS traffic through the caching server.

The cost of TunnelGuard in comparison to a potential data breach is negligible and the technical staff required to implement this safeguard is lightweight.

“Many customers we speak to – carriers, government agencies and enterprises – react by saying ‘We had no idea this vulnerability existed, but now that we do — we plan to close it immediately’” said Thad Dupper, President & CEO, Secure64. “Whether its protecting a carrier from revenue leakage from subscribers bypassing data caps or enterprises and government agencies wanting to ensure no one can pass data over a DNS tunnel – either use case represents a strong reason to adopt our TunnelGuard feature.”

Defense contractors, financial institutions, government agencies, healthcare providers as well as any enterprise looking to secure their data should learn more about TunnelGuard. For more information regarding TunnelGuard please contact us

About Secure64 Software Corporation

Secure64 brings trust to the internet through its suite of purpose-built, secure, DNS-based network security products. The company was built on a foundation of security and has forged solutions that are self-protecting and immune to malware. Secure64 secures the DNS infrastructures of leading service providers, government agencies and enterprises globally.

Secure64 is a privately held company founded by technology and financial veterans and boasts deep technical and global experience in its leadership and staff. It is the only DNS solution provider that has authored a secure micro OS, automated the deployment of DNSSEC and built self-protecting DNS servers. For more information, visit

Mark Beckett

Secure64 Software Corporation

Secure64 unique supplier of DNS diversity

Secure64, the leading provider of Genuinely Secure DNS servers, offers complete diversity across all elements of the DNS stack – including hardware, operating systems, and the DNS application.

Secure64 Releases TunnelGuard to detect & block DNS tunnels

For Immediate Release

Secure64 Releases TunnelGuard to detect and block DNS tunnels

Solution prevents bandwidth piracy and data exfiltration

Greenwood Village, CO – April 11, 2018 – Secure64, the leading provider of Genuinely Secure DNS servers, today announced the release of Secure64® TunnelGuard™, a new member of its DNS Guard™ family of security services, which enables service providers to prevent bandwidth piracy and data exfiltration from DNS tunneling.

“Our new TunnelGuard service prevents illegitimate uses of the DNS tunnels that can erode service providers’ data revenues and create risk of brand damage,” said Thad Dupper, CEO of Secure64. “Today service providers need to contend with an ever-growing cast of bad actors who look to steal data bandwidth by exploiting DNS tunnels. Going beyond bandwidth theft, DNS tunnels can also be misappropriated by attackers to exfiltrate stolen information which can put subscriber personal data at risk. For this reason, technologies to “Block Tunnels” are sometimes a regulatory requirement imposed on ISP’s.  TunnelGuard represents a cost-effective and comprehensive solution to all of these threats.”

TunnelGuard is an on-box security service that automatically detects and blocks many different types of DNS tunnels in real-time with minimal impact on performance and a high degree of accuracy. TunnelGuard is delivered through Secure64® DNS Cache™, while Secure64 DNS Manager provides detailed reports on tunnel activity in the network.

TunnelGuard is available immediately.

About Secure64 Software Corporation

Secure64 brings trust to the internet through its suite of purpose-built, secure, DNS-based network security products. The company was built on a foundation of security and has forged solutions that are self-protecting and immune to malware.  Secure64 secures the DNS infrastructures of leading service providers, government agencies and enterprises globally.

Secure64 is a privately held company founded by technology and financial veterans and boasts deep technical and global experience in its leadership and staff.  It is the only DNS solution provider that has authored a secure micro OS, automated the deployment of DNSSEC and built self-protecting DNS servers. For more information, visit

Theresa DeGroote
Secure64 Software Corporation

DNS Signer Selected for Asian Country Domain

Secure64, the leading provider of Genuinely Secure DNS servers, today announced that a country-code top-level domain (ccTLD) in Asia has upgraded their infrastructure by adding Secure64® DNS Signer®, a secure, highly automated DNSSEC signing solution.

Secure64 PipeProtector

For immediate release

Secure64 PipeProtector Defends Against Amplified DDoS Attacks

Greenwood Village, CO–  March 2, 2018- Secure64, the leading provider of Genuinely Secure DNS servers, today announced that Secure64® DNS Authority™ servers help protect the network against UDP-based amplified attacks, including those recently discovered by US-CERT.

Amplified attacks threaten the availability of a network, as they send more traffic through the network thnt it is capable of processing. When network capacity is exceeded, all applications on the network are crippled.

“This week US-CERT released a warning about exploiting memcache to create UDP-based amplified attacks with very high amplification factors.” says Thad Dupper, President & CEO, Secure64. “We anticipated the rise of distributed denial of service attacks from the founding of our company, and our DNS servers were designed from the ground up to mitigate those attacks.  Several years ago, we anticipated that amplified attacks would grow in scope, so we developed Secure64 PipeProtector.™ PipeProtector monitors inbound bandwidth consumption and when it exceeds normal levels, PipeProtector can notify the upstream router to blackhole traffic from abusive clients, a best practice that is known as Remotely Triggered Blackhole and which is recommended by US-CERT to defend against amplified attacks.  This helps to defeat the objective of the attacker, which is to take down the network. Not only is the DNS protected, but other servers on the same network are as well.”

PipeProtector is available on Secure64 DNS Authority for no additional charge.

About Secure64 Software Corporation

Secure64 brings trust to the internet through its suite of purpose-built, secure, DNS-based network security products. The company was built on a foundation of security and has forged solutions that are self-protecting and immune to malware.  Secure64 secures the DNS infrastructures of leading service providers, government agencies and enterprises globally.

Secure64 is a privately held company founded by technology and financial veterans and boasts deep technical and global experience in its leadership and staff.  It is the only DNS solution provider that has authored a secure micro OS, automated the deployment of DNSSEC and built self-protecting DNS servers. For more information, visit

Theresa DeGroote
Secure64 Software Corporation

Secure64 and C-COR

For immediate release

Secure64 and C-COR partner to bring secure DNS to Asia-Pacific

Greenwood Village, CO & Melbourne, Australia –  February 20, 2018- Secure64, the leading provider of Genuinely Secure DNS servers, and C-COR, the leading supplier of products and services to all major Australian Telcos and MSOs, today announced a partnership to provide secure DNS and DNS-based security solutions to service providers, government and enterprise in Asia-Pacific.

“There is a great deal of opportunity in Asia Pacific for both secure DNS and DNS-based network security,” says Thad Dupper, President & CEO, Secure64.   “Partnering with C-COR allows us to bring our solutions to this highly strategic region of the world with a top tier partner. Their long tenure in the broadband community and the quality of their support arm will enable us to provide best-in-class 24×7 and in-country support.”

“Security is top of mind in our market today,” says John Goddard, Managing Director and Chair of
C-COR. “We looked at various providers and were most impressed by the Secure64 line – it was purpose-built to be secure and then expanded into using the DNS as a security tool.  Secure64 complements our best-of-breed builds and is a natural fit with our existing and future customers.”

Secure64 and C-COR are actively working projects in multiple countries.

About C-COR | C-COR

C-COR Broadband (C-COR) is an Australian firm delivering ultra-broadband infrastructure solutions to Asia Pacific region communications carriers, mobile operators, MVNO and cable operators. Now in our second decade, we continue to evolve our solutions portfolio and skills to remain at the leading edge in times of great technological change. Our specialists enable C-COR to deliver independent advice and provide exceptional value to ensure your infrastructure requirements deliver great outcomes. Our ultra-broadband solutions address the requirements for secure DNS, wireless edge, PON, next generation cable architecture, video headend and associated test equipment. We work with our customers and their partners to design, engineer and commission high performance infrastructure that allow our customers to gain a sustainable market advantage.

About Secure64 Software Corporation

Secure64 brings trust to the internet through its suite of purpose-built, secure, DNS-based network security products. The company was built on a foundation of security and has forged solutions that are self-protecting and immune to malware.  Secure64 secures the DNS infrastructures of leading service providers, government agencies and enterprises globally.

Secure64 is a privately held company founded by technology and financial veterans and boasts deep technical and global experience in its leadership and staff.  It is the only DNS solution provider that has authored a secure micro OS, automated the deployment of DNSSEC and built self-protecting DNS servers. For more information, visit

Theresa DeGroote
Secure64 Software Corporation

On Demand DNS

Secure64 Brings On-Demand DNS Capabilities to Tier 1 US Telco

Greenwood Village, CO –  January 24, 2018- Secure64, the leading provider of Genuinely Secure DNS servers, today announced that a Tier 1 US wireless carrier will deploy NFV-enabled Secure64 DNS servers in their core network as part of their IMS architecture.

“The US Tier 1 wireless carrier will be deploying our DNS Authority servers as part of an overall IMS implementation,” said Thad Dupper, President & CEO, Secure64.   “Tested widely in the Tier 1’s lab, our solution will provide the scalability, security and on demand capacity needed to meet this carrier’s expanding core network requirements. “

The Secure64 NFV-enabled DNS platform will integrate with one of the company’s North American partner’s IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) solution. This solution will replace the carrier’s legacy circuit switches with IP switches nationwide with DNS as a key component. The partner selected Secure64 for its core DNS because of its proven high performance and industry-leading security.

About Secure64 Software Corporation

Secure64 brings trust to the internet through its suite of purpose-built, secure, DNS-based network security products. The company was built on a foundation of security and has forged solutions that are self-protecting and immune to malware.  Secure64 secures the DNS infrastructures of leading service providers, government agencies and enterprises globally.

Secure64 is a privately held company founded by technology and financial veterans and boasts deep technical and global experience in its leadership and staff.  It is the only DNS solution provider that has authored a secure micro OS, automated the deployment of DNSSEC and built self-protecting DNS servers. For more information, visit

Theresa DeGroote
Secure64 Software Corporation

Spectre and Meltdown Release

For immediate release

Secure64 family of DNS products not vulnerable to Spectre and Meltdown threats

Greenwood Village, CO January 8, 2018 – Secure64, the leading provider of Genuinely Secure DNS servers, today announced that its Intel Itanium/SourceT family of products are not vulnerable to either the Spectre or the Meltdown vulnerabilities. Secure64 is the sole DNS provider whose products run on both x86 and Itanium processors. Importantly, the Itanium processors, running the Secure64 proprietary SourceT operating system, are exempt from these recent vulnerabilities.

“The CPU hardware functions that underlie both the Spectre and Meltdown problems are rooted in techniques originally intended to improve CPU performance for legacy architectures: primarily Intel, but also ARM, AMD, and MIPS,” said Thad Dupper, CEO of Secure64. “The Itanium architecture, by contrast, adopted a different performance paradigm and does not use either speculative or out-of-order execution. Moreover, the Itanium cache and memory architectures were designed with security as a fundamental principle, not as an afterthought or an add-on to patch vulnerabilities.”

Beginning in 2004, Secure64 pioneered the development of a proprietary operating system (SourceT) for the HP Itanium platform. SourceT, which fully utilizes Itanium’s capabilities, provides an ultra-secure environment with an extra layer of immunity, not only to Spectre and Meltdown today, but to all forms of malware.

The recent Spectre and Meltdown threats are just the latest in an ongoing and escalating series of security issues. Although Intel and other chip providers have committed to addressing this by having patches available for the chips they released in the last five years, this hardware vulnerability has opened a new and disturbing potential threat vector.

“Although organizations the world over are scrambling to mitigate this vulnerability, Tier-1 carriers, government agencies and business enterprises who have selected the Secure64 SourceT DNS solution should know that their systems are immune to this most recent threat, and their Itanium-based solution will continue to run in production without the need for patching,” said Dupper. “We uniquely offer our customers a choice between an x86-based or Itanium-based solution. As such, we are the only major DNS vendor to offer such a choice. In this day and age, where threats materialize at an exhausting pace, Secure64 offers an imminently secure option – our proprietary SourceT Itanium-based carrier-grade DNS solution.”

About Secure64 Software Corporation
Secure64 brings trust to the internet through its suite of purpose-built, secure, DNS-based network security products. The company was built on a foundation of security and has forged solutions that are self-protecting and immune to malware. Secure64 secures the DNS infrastructures of leading service providers, government agencies and enterprises globally.

Secure64 is a privately held company founded by technology and financial veterans and boasts deep technical and global experience in its leadership and staff. It is the only DNS solution provider that has authored a secure micro OS, automated the deployment of DNSSEC and built self-protecting DNS servers. For more information, visit

To learn more about building secure code, Itanium and SourceT, download the Secure64 white paper:  Eliminating Malware & Rootkits

Theresa DeGroote
Secure64 Software Corporation